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Tag Archives: human-robot communication

Empathy Is Essential to the Future of Human-Robot Coexistence

Source: Redshift (Madeline Gannon) The way humans interact with robots has served society well during the past 50 years: People tell robots what to do, and robots do it to maximum effect. This has led to unprecedented innovation and productivity in agriculture, medicine, and manufacturing. However, an inflection point is on the horizon. Rapid advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence are making robotic systems smarter and more adaptable than …Read More

User-defined gestures for controlling primitive motions of an end effector

Complete article Abstract: In designing and developing a gesture recognition system, it is crucial to know the characteristics of a gesture selected to control, for example, an end effector of a robot arm. We conducted an experiment to collect a set of user-defined gestures and investigate characteristics of the gestures for controlling primitive motions of an end effector in human–robot collaboration. We recorded 152 gestures from 19 volunteers by presenting …Read More