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Tag Archives: human-robot collaboration

Robots are popping up in small U.S. factories

Source: Vancouver Sun Robots are popping up in small U.S. factories — and they’re equipped with sensors to keep humans safe. Robots are everywhere. They’re stocking shelves, pruning trees, making cocktails, delivering room service. Now they’re even showing up for work in some of the smallest factories, in a boost for

Eight Research Trends in Collaborative Robotics

Source: Robotiq What’s the future for collaborative robotics? We look at eight trends which will shape the next decade of robotics research. The US Robotics Roadmap — written by universities in the USA — is a report which plots the present and future of robotics. It discusses the breadth of the industry, from health-care to manufacturing. A large part of it looks at future research trends. The most recent version …Read More

How Intelligent Vision Systems Improve Industrial Robotic Automation

Source: Engineering.com The Baxter and Sawyer collaborative robots from Rethink Robotics are known as the robots with a friendly face, bringing a human touch to industrial robotics. In the video, we take a look at a new way to program them. “You can grab our robots and teach them what to do, but sometimes that has certain limitations because if you want do something more complex, or do something with …Read More

Empathy Is Essential to the Future of Human-Robot Coexistence

Source: Redshift (Madeline Gannon) The way humans interact with robots has served society well during the past 50 years: People tell robots what to do, and robots do it to maximum effect. This has led to unprecedented innovation and productivity in agriculture, medicine, and manufacturing. However, an inflection point is on the horizon. Rapid advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence are making robotic systems smarter and more adaptable than …Read More

FourByThree special session at ETFA 2017 (Cyprus)

For the second consecutive year, FourByThree will host a special session at IEEE’s conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA). This year, the conference will take place in Limassol (Cyprus), on September 12-15 2017. FourByThree’s session focuses on safe human-robot collaboration, including currently available technologies, planning and scheduling, verification and dependability, long-term autonomy, as well as the human perspective (trust towards and acceptance of robotics systems). The session aims …Read More

Low-level and high-level control for a safe cobot

Emerging technology in human robot collaboration (HRC) has transported dreams into reality, particularly in the arena of smart lightweight robots that are transforming the lives of individuals with mobility issues, and improving the quality of daily work in many application scenario.  Direct, physical interaction between a human and a robot has potential to provide assistance (as well as rehabilitation) which can extend the human user’s physical capabilities. FourByThree represents a …Read More

Human, Meet Cobot: The User Experience in Action

Source: Universal Robots Collaborative robots (“cobots”) are being adopted at unprecedented rates, due in large part to their user-friendly design. This positive user experience is no fluke. It comes as a result of in-depth research and design and ongoing testing to explore how the robots are actually being used and how they can be continuously improved. UX designer connects R&D to the real world Maren Nelson Hadar is a user …Read More